It is never too early to start teaching good character to your kids. Believe it or not you can start teaching good character to your kids when they are babies and toddlers. The first step to teaching good character is by modeling it yourself.
Babies/Toddlers (1-3 years)
- Read stories about kids/characters making good choices
- Encourage sharing toys whenever possible
- Role play with your toddler about telling the truth, sharing toys, showing kindness, etc….
- Encourage your toddler to draw/paint themselves showing kindness to others
4-5 Year Olds
- Play games that teach fairness and honesty (any board games that require taking turns)
- Before having play dates with other kids, explain what being a good friend means (sharing, caring, showing kindness, being respectful and polite)
- Include your kids in kitchen clean up after meals. Explain why it is polite to help clean up after a meal.
- Limit screen time. It has been proven again and again that too much screen time can cause negative behaviors in kids. If your kids get screen time, make sure you monitor what they are watching and playing.
- Encourage them to be good role models for their younger siblings, cousins, friends, and/or neighbors.
Remember, the first step to teaching good character is modeling good character. You might need to take some time and reflect on yourself and how you model good character throughout your day. Your kids are always watching you and the way you handle situations. Have a great weekend:)