The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children
Parenting from the Heart
By Steven Vannoy
We are over the moon at before5 as we start to explore with you The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children, by Steven Vannoy. I discovered this book years ago, and I still use this book often when I talk with parents. I chose this book for our next book study because it does a terrific job of unpacking how to help build essential life skills needed for children’s healthy development and outlines how to balance widening the lens through which children look at life and others. Steven Vannoy shares useful parenting information and real-life anecdotal stories that aid in supporting parents in the big job of raising children to grow into successful adults.
Imagine asking your child thought-provoking questions, modeling positivity, stepping back, and giving your child the needed space to problem solve without assistance, and encouraging your child to view things from other’s perspectives. Steven Vannoy lays out in everyday language how parents can positively impact, influence, and elevate children’s development through mindful parenting.
What I like most about this book is the author’s simple and common-sense approach to raising children. Growing children up doesn’t NEED to be so hard. It really is about being intentional as you interact with your children and having a plan/goal, and then, of course, knowing, things will get sideways somewhere along the way. It’s life’s hiccups that teach our children how to navigate through life’s bumps and, at times, tough, hard life stuff. When life is going swimmingly, parenting can be a snap, but parenting often gets harder when life gets tough. Life can get messy.
We hope you will join us as we work through Steven Vannoy’s book, The 10 Greatest Gifts I gave my Children. Find out how to take the challenges in life we all face and turn them into learning lessons for your children and how-to give children forever gifts that will propel them to be all they can be.
We can’t wait to get started; see you soon….